Quality and Management

Bulletin N 138 - June 2024

Good practices in Patient Safety
The clinical analysis laboratory is decisive in healthcare as the information it provides can condition the diagnosis, follow-up, prognosis and treatment of the patient. For this reason it is important to put in place measures to ensure that the processes are carried out with the maximum security guarantees. A good strategy to prevent incidents or adverse events is the application of "safe practices" such as correct patient identification, safe transfusion and effective communication.

Bulletin N 134 - March 2024

ISO 14001
implementation at Catlab. Challenges and opportunities

The climate context in which we find ourselves makes the awareness of all parties to confront it increasingly relevant. Thus, in Catlab, since 2017, an Environmental Management system aligned with the sustainable development objectives began to be implemented, culminating in the ISO14001 Environmental Management certification. During this period, various actions have been carried out, such as the analysis of the carbon footprint and an improvement action plan, aiming at continuous improvement through the application of risk and opportunity matrices reviewed annually.

Bulletin Nº120. May 2022

New Laboratory Information System(LIS) at Catlab.
The laboratory information system (LIS) has become a key element in all stages of an increasingly automated analytical process.
Thus, from the computer input of the request, application of algorithms, generation of reflex tests based on various variables to the final request sending to petitionary untis.
Due to requirement increase, Catlab has recently migrated to Modulab, a more powerful, robust and constantly developing LIS that provides Catlab with the necessary tools to meet the current analitycal demand.

Bulletin Nº 115- September 2021

FMEA (Failure Mode and Effect Analysis)
The UNE-EN ISO 15189: 2013 laboratory accreditation standard establishes for accredited laboratories the obligation to evaluate work systems in order to detect possible errors that may affect patient safety. The FMEA (Failure Mode and Effect Analysis) methodology was used in Catlab. It is a simple but effective methodology that allows all personnel involved in the analytical process to be part of the procedure, thus facilitating not only the detection of potential errors but also the causes and preventive actions needed.
At Catlab, more than 100 potential errors have been detected and more than 78 corrective actions have been implemented to ensure patient safety and customer satisfaction.

Bulletin Nº103 - March 2020

QUALITY - Flexible scope accreditation
The UNE-EN ISO 15189: 2013 is an international standard that specifies the requirements regarding the competence and quality of clinical laboratories. The scope of each accreditation provides information on the activities in which the laboratory has demonstrated competence. A flexible scope allows new tests to be incorporated or modifications to be made at any time, for methods and analyzers that are already accredited. Catlab, one of the Laboratories with the highest percentage of accredited activity, has a flexible scope for most of its magnitudes.

Bulletin Nº94 - October 2018

QUALITY - Surveys for emergency physicians
Within the 2016-2018 Customer Satisfaction Measurement Plan, Catlab carried out surveys of the emergency physicians of HUMT, FHSJDM and CST. The results of the 9 consensual questions of the survey are exposed, on the perception and the evaluation that the laboratory professionals have, and the conclusions and improvement actions that have been started from the Laboratory.

Bulletin Nº92 - June 2018

MANAGEMENT - Catlab tenth anniversary
To commemorate the 10th anniversary of Catlab, on June 7 a successful scientific conference was held in Catlab with the title "Genetics: from the laboratory to clinical practice". In this "Catlab Informa" we review the trajectory of our Laboratory in these 10 years, its current organization, and how it has been consolidated as one of the largest laboratories.

Bulletin Nº86 - December 2017

QUALITY - Customer satisfaction measure in Hospitals
During the years 2016-2017, in Catlab, surveys were carried out to the different Hospital assistance groups of HUMT, FHSJDM and CST. The 8 consensual questions of the survey are related on the perception and the evaluation that the professionals of the Hospitals of the laboratory have.

Bulletin Nº80 - April 2017

INFORMATION SYSTEMS - Lab Support Programs
Catlab has different computer support applications for the laboratory. The objective is to automate processes that were done manually or in paper, to manage them with greater speed and security, and to facilitate the accreditation of the laboratory. Some of these applications are the Catlab Incidence Program (PIC), which manages everything related to the pre-analytical incidents of Catlab, the GIN (Integral Management of Refrigerators), which is responsible to register and control the transport time of the refrigerators of the samples, or the GestLab, which manages different aspects of the data and needs of the workers.

Bulletin Nº72 - July 2016

QUALITY - Customer satisfaction measure
During the years 2012-2015, Catlab has made a plan for measuring customer satisfaction; surveys have been conducted to different groups of primary care CST, HUMT and ICS. Here are the results of 8 consensual questions related to perception and assessment of the laboratory.

Bulletin Nº70 - May 2016

QUALITY - Accreditation of clinical laboratories according to ISO 15189
UNE-EN ISO 15189: 2013 is an international standard that specifies requirements for the competence and quality of clinical laboratories. In particular, it recognizes the technical competence of the laboratory analysis of specific magnitudes. Applying strict quality requirements demanded by ISO 15189 accreditation affects all processes in the laboratory (preanalytical, analytical and postanalíticos) and has been a major effort, both by the entity as of our professionals.

Bulletin Nº54 - November

EXTRA-ANALYTIC - Application of pre-analytical program PAQC
The PAQC BD Diagnostics (Becton Dickinson) is an application program to evaluate the extraction processes and preanalytical part within the laboratory. With the results, you can make a "benchmarking" between the different centers.

Bulletin Nº45 - December 2013

QUALITY - Measure customer satisfaction
During the years 2010-2012, Catlab has made ​​a plan for measuring customer satisfaction, a survey of 10 questions related to the laboratory, targeting Clinicians.

Bulletin Nº42 - September 2013

QUALITY - Current state of UNE-ISO 15189 Accreditation in Catlab
Since 2012 Catlab is accredited for automated Biochemistry, sample collection and sample management. This 2013 is intended to accredit more than 88% of Catlab's activity.

Bulletin Nº39 - May 2013

EXTRA-ANALYTIC - Computerization process of the pre-analytical area
The computerization process of the pre-analytical area as the temperature control in the sample transport or time of arrival of the samples allowed us to have quality indicators (UNE-EN ISO 15189) to achieve a continuous improvement in one of the laboratory areas with less standardization.

Bulletin Nº 28 - May 2012

QUALITY - Accreditation of CATLAB according to the Standard UNE-EN ISO 15189:2007
ENAC has accredited CATLAB in the tests of automated biochemistry, blood sampling, and the manipulation and management of blood and urine samples.

Bulletin Nº26 - March 2012

QUALITY – Publication of the Catlab Website 
As of April, the new Catlab Website will be available on the Internet. On it can be found our catalogue of tests, information about our business and the different areas of the Laboratory, the quality processes implemented, and the services that we offer.

Bulletin Nº24 - January 2012

QUALITY – Evaluation of Catlab Objectives 2011
According to Standard UNE ISO 9001:2008, all certified entities must, each year, propose and achieve quality objectives. This document summarizes the objectives set by Catlab for 2011 and the results.

Bulletin Nº18 - June 2011

QUALITY – Scientific activities of the professionals of Catlab 2011
Review of Publications, Posters, Papers of the professionals of Catlab completed and anticipated for 2011.

Bulletin Nº17 - May 2011

MANAGEMENT – Measures to rationalize analytic demand
The Management of Catlab, in the context of the current economic crisis, has asked the persons in charge of the different areas to bring to bear improved actions to rationalize demand

Bulletin Nº16 - April 2011

QUALITY–From Certification to Accreditation
Since its creation, Catlab has committed to implementing a quality management system based on international standards,and so the Laboratory was certified according to Standard UNE-EN ISO 9001:2008. Accreditation, however, is a standard that better reflects the particulars of the sector, and that recognizes technical competence.

Bulletin Nº5 - Mai 2010

QUALITY - Work algorithms in Catlab
From Catlab are working on finding mechanisms and criteria agreed with our clients to help physicians in their diagnosis and followed patients, while streamlining the analytical demand.

Bulletin Nº4 - April 2010

QUALITY - Catlab catalog
In October 2009 he broadcast Catlab your own catalog of evidence PDF.The updates will be made quarterly via computer, so it is advised not to make copies on paper.