Catlab Reports Bulletin

The Catlab Reports Bulletin is published monthly. Until the publication of the Catlab website, it was mailed electronically to our clients. It consists of a monograph related with laboratory topics. Each month it addresses a different area of Catlab; the topics can be more specific (concrete diagnostic techniques) or deal with more generic aspects (Quality, Management, …).

Bulletin Nº37 - March 2013

The presence of red blood cells in urine can be a primary sign of kidney disease, so that the determination by the laboratory of a simple and rapid test, may be useful in reducing the response time and save others unnecessary tests for patients (cystoscopy, image tests ..)

Bulletin Nº36 - February 2013

CYTOGENETICS - Document of informed consent for genetic testing
For testing oriented genetic diagnosis, is necessary and required that patients know the implications of these tests before implementation, and the best guarantee that this process will be appropriate is the informed consent document.

Bulletin Nº35 - January 2013

CITOMETRY - Digital Citometry in Clinics
Digital cytometry allows us a quick study of the interactions between different cell populations suspended in a minimal amount of sample.

Bulletin Nº34 - December 2012

IMMUNOLOGY - Change in method Immunofluorescence ANA
New procedure for the determination of ANA by immunofluorescence. Replacing the substrate HEp-2 cells by the new cell line transfected HEp-2000.

Bulletin Nº33 - November 2012

URGENT CARE - Procalcitonin
In severe bacterial infections this protein is found in high concentrations.

Bulletin Nº 32 - October 2012

MOLECULAR BIOLOGY - Method change for the molecular study of the HFE mutation gen, related with hereditary hemochromatosis
Hereditary hemochromatosis (HH) is a genetic disease of autosomal recessive transmission wich causes an alteration in iron metabolism.

Bulletin Nº 31--September 2012

MICROBIOLOGY - Urine culture collection rules
The microbiological diagnosis of urinary infection is one of the most frequent test in laboratories.

Bulletin Nº 30--July 2012

BIOCHEMISTRY-- Determination of occult blood in stool.
The principal indication for the determination of occult blood in stool is fort heearly detection of colorectal cancer. At CATLAB, a quantitative immunoturbidimetric method is used.

Bulletin Nº 29-- June 2012

URGENT CARE—Preanalytic conditions for measuring ionic calcium.
Sample conditions are critical for the measurement of ionic calcium, if the results are to accurately reflect the real status of the patient.

Bulletin Nº 28 - May 2012

QUALITY - Accreditation of CATLAB according to the Standard UNE-EN ISO 15189:2007
ENAC has accredited CATLAB in the tests of automated biochemistry, blood sampling, and the manipulation and management of blood and urine samples.