Catlab Reports Bulletin

The Catlab Reports Bulletin is published monthly. Until the publication of the Catlab website, it was mailed electronically to our clients. It consists of a monograph related with laboratory topics. Each month it addresses a different area of Catlab; the topics can be more specific (concrete diagnostic techniques) or deal with more generic aspects (Quality, Management, …).

Bulletin Nº98 - February 2019

MICROBIOLOGY - Poseidon Project; development of a biosensor for Legionella detection
The Poseidon Project has been funded by the Horizon 2020 Program. Six institutions from 4 European countries participated, including Catlab. The objective was to develop a biosensor to monitor the concentration of Legionella in situ in water systems in high-risk facilities. Catlab's task was to validate the prototype detection and quantification of Legionella in water samples.

Bulletin Nº97 - January 2019

CYTOMETRY - Evolution in the diagnosis by immunophenotype of CLPD
Chronic B cell lymphoproliferative syndromes (BCLPD) comprise a heterogeneous group of hematologic tumors that affect mature B lymphocytes. Recently, they have begun to be used routinely in clinical laboratories, immunophenotypic techniques that allow the labeling of antibodies with different fluorochromes and provide a specific, sensitive and reproducible count for the different cellular subpopulations.

Bulletin Nº96 - December 2018

EXTRA-ANALYTIC - Screening of aneuploidies in maternal blood
This November, the new Pregnancy Protocol was launched, which includes the screening of aneuploidy in maternal blood. It allows DNA detection of the fetus in the mother's blood from week 12, for women, in which biochemical screening is high risk and intermediate risk. Screening consists in the detection of numerical anomalies of chromosomes 13,18 and 21. That is, detection of Down Syndrome (Trisomy 21), Edwards Syndrome (Trisomy 18) and Patau Syndrome (Trisomy 13).

Bulletin Nº95 - November 2018

GENETICS - Molecular markers in glioma
Glioma is the most common primary tumor among intracranial malignancies. There is a growing number of biomarkers in glioma in the field of research, but currently in routine three are used: Codeletion 1p / 19q; IDH 1/2 mutation; and Methylation of MGMT.

Bulletin Nº94 - October 2018

QUALITY - Surveys for emergency physicians
Within the 2016-2018 Customer Satisfaction Measurement Plan, Catlab carried out surveys of the emergency physicians of HUMT, FHSJDM and CST. The results of the 9 consensual questions of the survey are exposed, on the perception and the evaluation that the laboratory professionals have, and the conclusions and improvement actions that have been started from the Laboratory.

Bulletin Nº93 - September 2018

MICROBIOLOGY - Tuberculosis
Tuberculosis is an infectious disease caused by the bacterium Mycobacterium tuberculosis. In this bulletin, we will see how it is acquired, how it is diagnosed and how it is treated. The current frequency of the disease, and the tests available to the Laboratory to diagnose it.

Bulletin Nº92 - June 2018

MANAGEMENT - Catlab tenth anniversary
To commemorate the 10th anniversary of Catlab, on June 7 a successful scientific conference was held in Catlab with the title "Genetics: from the laboratory to clinical practice". In this "Catlab Informa" we review the trajectory of our Laboratory in these 10 years, its current organization, and how it has been consolidated as one of the largest laboratories.

Bulletin Nº91 - May 2018

URGENT CARE - Preeclampsia Markers
Preeclampsia is a hypertensive disorder of pregnancy, which causes an important maternal-fetal morbidity and mortality, which affects 2-8% of pregnancies. In recent years, numerous studies have attempted to determine markers of Predicting the risk of preeclampsia, identifying the women with greater risk, and creating strategies to reduce its prevalence. In Catlab we have started using the sFlt-1 / PlGF ratio as a marker of preeclampsia.

Bulletin Nº90 - April 2018

BIOCHEMISTRY - Vitamin D: Update
Recently, the reference values that appear in our report laboratory of Vitamin D have been modified. Currently, there are different methods for measuring them, and the reference values depend on the population studied. They vary with sex, age, seasonal period, geographical latitude, diet, body mass index, ethnic group ... With this great variability, we have decided to update the reference values following the recommendations of the "Protocol d'indicacions per la mesura de vitamina D" approved by the ICS.

Bulletin Nº89 - March 2018

The first step of the microbiological diagnosis begins with obtaining the clinical sample; it must be representative of the infectious process that is wanted to diagnose. All the information that the microbiology laboratory can generate depends almost completely on the sample that is sent. Therefore, it is essential that the obtention procedure, the quantity sent, the type of transport and the appropriate speed of delivery. The consequences of a poorly collected and / or badly sent sample may result in the failure to isolate the etiologic agent of the infection.