Catlab Reports Bulletin

The Catlab Reports Bulletin is published monthly. Until the publication of the Catlab website, it was mailed electronically to our clients. It consists of a monograph related with laboratory topics. Each month it addresses a different area of Catlab; the topics can be more specific (concrete diagnostic techniques) or deal with more generic aspects (Quality, Management, …).

Bulletin Nº118. February 2022

URGENT CARE- Use of NTproBNP on heart failure assessment
Natriuretic peptides are one of the most useful biomarkers on addressing heart failure. It is useful both for ruling out pathology due to its high negative predictive value and as a supportive diagnostic marker already included in clinical practice guidelines since 2016.
At Catlab NT-proBNP is determined, using electroquimioluminescence. Since 2008 it has been available in emergency laboratories and by the end of 2020 it is also performed at Viladecavalls central laboratory, in order to adress primary care samples,thus reaching over 17,000 total determinations in 2021.

Bulletin Nº117. January 2022

Flow cytometry monitoring of anti-CD20 antibody treatment of autoimmune diseases
Autoimmune pathologies treatment has advanced in recent years with the use of anti-CD20 drugs. The efficacy of these treatments lies in achieving a profound depletion of memory B lymphocytes and plasmablasts.
Catlab has begun to use a new technique (Bulk Lysis) that allows high sensitivty and precision in the quantification of B lymphocytes. It will also allow to assign monitoring protocols according to the autoimmune pathology, and a more personalized medicine ensuring patient safety.

Bulletin Nº 116- December 2021

Detection of Gluten immunogenic peptides
Strict gluten-free diet is the only way to control coeliac disease, since classical serological markers show little effectiveness to specific changes in the diet and do not always correlate with the state of the intestinal villi. Evaluating the excretion of gluten immunogenic peptides (GIP) constitutes specific evidence of gluten consumption, allowing both the control and diagnosis of complex cases.
At Catlab GIP detection is carried out by immunochromatographic method in stool sample. This test shows a detection limit of 0.15 μg GIP / g of sample and has the ability to specifically detect the toxic fraction of prolamins with a specificity close to 100%.

Bulletin Nº 115- September 2021

FMEA (Failure Mode and Effect Analysis)
The UNE-EN ISO 15189: 2013 laboratory accreditation standard establishes for accredited laboratories the obligation to evaluate work systems in order to detect possible errors that may affect patient safety. The FMEA (Failure Mode and Effect Analysis) methodology was used in Catlab. It is a simple but effective methodology that allows all personnel involved in the analytical process to be part of the procedure, thus facilitating not only the detection of potential errors but also the causes and preventive actions needed.
At Catlab, more than 100 potential errors have been detected and more than 78 corrective actions have been implemented to ensure patient safety and customer satisfaction.

Bulletin Nº 114- April 2021

Lessons learned from SARS-CoV-2 humoral immune response
SARS-CoV-2 serology, using antibody detection may be useful in several scenarios, where the detection of active infection (PCR) may not be sufficient, such as seroprevalence studies, diagnosis of patients with compatible symptomatology and negative PCR or in the control of vaccine efficacy, among other cases.
Catlab has carried out antibody detection using high-performance ELlSA techniques (chemiluminescence, CLIA), making serological diagnosis a very useful tool for a better understanding of humoral response to this new virus.

Bulletin Nº 113- January 2021

Anti-Müllerian hormone(AMH)- Aplications and quantification.

AMH is a glycoprotein belonging to the transforming growth beta factor superfamily. It has recently emerged as an early and accurate biomarker for ovarian reserve and ovarian aging assesssment. Thus, the determination of this hormone has various applications such as the diagnosis and follow-up of patients with polycystic ovary syndrome or ovarian granulosa cell tumors, among others. In men, its determination is also used for the study of hypogonadism or early puberty.
At Catlab during the year 2020, AMH test has been internalized, using Lumipulse Analyzer,by Fujirebio INC.
The determination is performed using a two-step chemiluminescent immunoassay method that will eventually generate a luminic signal proportional to the amount of AMH present in the sample.

Bulletin Nº112- December 2020

Diagnosis and Follow-up of Paroxysmal Nocturnal Hemoglobinuria by Flow Cytometry
Paroxysmal Nocturnal Hemoglobinuria (PNH) is the name given to the disease caused due to an acquired genetic mutation in the PIG-A gene which results in the reduction or absence of membrane proteins of the affected hematopoietic cells.
This mutation affects proteins involved in the interaction with complement regulators (CD55 and CD59) .This loss of complement regulation is especially sensitive on red cells resulting on severe pathophysiology episodes of the disease by causing episodes of intravascular and extravascular hemolysis.

Flow cytometry is the method recommended by current clinical guidelines.By Marking membrane proteins of different hematopoietic series affected celular clones are detected ,thus allowing not only their diagnosis but also their follow-up and monitoring.

Bulletin Nº 111- November 2020

MICROBIOLOGY-Sexually Trasnmitted Diseases. Microbylogical diagnosis
Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs) are a Public Health problem. Every year, approximately 500 million people suffer from chlamydia, gonorrhea, syphilis or trichomoniasis. The microbiological diagnosis of STIs allows not only to detect and treat symptomatic patients but also to detect asymptomatic contacts in order to prevent transmission and reinfection.
At Catlab, depending on each type of sample received a microscopic examination, microbiological culture and detection by nucleic acid amplification techniques are performed in order to optimize the detection of microorganisms involved in these diseases.

Bulletin Nº 110- October 2020

HEMATOLOGY-Detection of Hemoglobin variants in glycated Hemoglobin(HbA1c) studies in pregnant women
As a result of the Covid-19 pandemic,as a measure to reduce contagion, gestational diabetes detection protocols have been implemented. O'Sullivan test and Glucose curve have been replaced (they imply a extended stay in healthcare facilities) for HbA1c and Glucose.
At Catlab, HbA1c is determined by HPLC. Separation method that allows detecting most fractions of Hemoglobin present in the sample. If suspicious peaks are found, the study is extended using another HPLC analyzer and electrophoresis.

Bulletin Nº109 - September 2020

GENETICS - Array CGH in neurodevelopmental pathologies
The prevalence of neurodevelopmental pathologies in the general population is estimated at 1-3%. Genetic testing allows a more accurate prognosis. Today, conventional chromosomal analysis has been replaced by array comparative genomic hybridization (aCGH) techniques. At Catlab, since 2014 studies with the aCGH technique have been carried out, achieving good diagnostic performance. The good results are the product of the close relationship with the clinicians, the joint work in the diagnostic orientation, and the approach to be followed in each case, with the added value of the orientation towards the family counseling.